Friday, September 7, 2012

Blog Writing #5: Quoted Speech

Watch the following video. With a partner, write as much of the dialogue as possible. I want you to write quoted speech. There are many ways to do this. Please vary your style to make it interesting.

For instance,
"I heard you the first time," Ricky said to Lucy, "but what language is it?"


  1. "When you get started with somthing you really go throught with it don't you?"

  2. 'Oh boy, am I pooped!' said Ricky, crashing down on the bed.
    'Well, this is indeed distressing news, to what do you attribute your plethora of fatigue? ' queried Lucy, trying to appear clever. 'The enervating activities of your nocturnal occupation?' she continued with a sidelong smile.
    Ricky's face creased with confusion. 'What?'
    Lucy gave a superior smile 'I said 'this is indeed distressing news, to what do you attribute your plethora of fatigue?''

  3. hi honey
    good evening
    oh, when you get started on something...
    oh boy am I pooped
    this is indeed distressing news, to what...

    You know I had no idea how sloppy my speech was...

    and how is your sister Cynthia...
