Friday, September 7, 2012

Blog Writing #1: Modals of Advice

Write a letter to an advice columnist in a newspaper. Make up a personal problem for the columnist to solve. Use a variety of modals and describe the problem as fully as possible.

Do not write the response to the letter, just the letter explaining the problem and asking for advice.

Here is an example:

Dear Abby,
I've suspected that my husband has been fooling around, and when confronted with the evidence, he denied everything - and said it would never happen again. I've been married for 10 years and I don't want to get a divorce. What should I do? - Tess

Here are some more real letters for you to look at:


  1. Dear Abby,
    I feel I must write to you. I can't figure out what to do. I should tell you that I have tried other ways and you are my last hope. I love to travel, and I must figure out a way to afford it. Should I rob a bank or ask my ex husband for funds. Both seem like terrible options. Please advise.

    1. Dear Ms Buckner,
      It is wonderful that you have a dream of travel. You must live your dreams. From your problem solving ability I see that you are a creative person. Because robbing a bank is illegal, I strongly advise you to fleece your ex. He definitely owes you travel and much more! Good luck and send me a post card.

  2. Dear Abby,
    I must get up early every day. I feel I should exercise on a daily basis, but I can't fit it in my busy schedule. Help!

  3. Dear Abby,

    I have students who always come late. What should I do?

    1. Susan, there isn't much you can do to fix this problem. Just try to get used to students coming in late.

  4. Dear Abby,
    I hate cooking. What should I do?

  5. I have a neighbor with a dog that barks incessantly!!!

    1. Dear Greg,

      You should talk to your neighbor about this problem. Let him know that you love his dog, but that you cannot work when his dog is outside barking. If the problem persists, you must buy a Bark Off. When you are outside, you can turn on the device, and the barking should stop. The dog hears a high-pitched noise every time it barks, but you will not hear anything.

      Good luck!


  6. Dear Abby,

    I can't sleep. I know I should just turn off my thoughts, but my mind won't turn off. I may be too stressed at work, or I might not be exercising enough. What should I do?

    1. You could benefit from a long vacation far away from all this stress. You might consider Maui, preferaby Hana (a small town on the island). You really ought to talk to your boss as soon as possible. She may not want you to leave, but you must put your health above all else. Good luck!

  7. Dear Abby,
    I've been invited to participate in a blog exercise and my brain is exploding! Everyone in the room seems so confident with this blog stuff, but I'm lost most of the time. How can I overcome these feelings?

    1. Dear Blogstuck,
      The best way to overcome fear is to face it. Opening up and admitting your fear is the first step to recovery. You should try to get encouragement from your peers-show others your attempts and get their feedback. What you have done today is a breakthrough and you should feel proud of yourself.

  8. Dear Abby,
    My husband seems to be married to his computer. What can I do to let him know that real life is better than virtual life.

    1. Dear Vickie,

      I too had this problem. Let me tell you something. Complaining to him or trying to talk to him about your feelings doesn't work. Instead, you should call Comcast and disconnect your internet. That way, if he wants to use the computer, he can do it at work when you're not around. Just remember that it's not always great to have a husband with lots of free time hanging around the house.

  9. Dear Abby,

    I have a great roommate, but he never cleans. Granted, he's never home and he's not dirty. Nevertheless, I still think he should clean the toilet or load the dishwasher every once in awhile. What should I do?

    1. Have a sit-down talk with your roommate and make compromises. Set up a schedule so that work can be equally divided. If he isn't home very often, suggest a few things that he could do to help.

  10. I am getting ready to buy a car, but my wife and I disagree on the type of car to buy. She wants to get a mini van for the baby, but I prefer a sensible Hybrid. What should we do? - Vincent

    1. This comment has been removed by the author.

    2. Just go buy what you want and bring it home:):):):) and say "Surprise Honey"

    3. Vincent,
      You can check this website. It probably will enable you to do both--hybrid and minivan.

  11. Dear Abby,
    I love chocolate, cookies, cupcakes, ice cream, and those sweet things made in Lufkin! What can I do to avoid gaining weight?

    1. Dear Candy,

      I also love chocolate and cookies and all things sugary! There are a few things you can do to avoid gaining weight- and still enjoy those sweeties!
      First, you can eat these things in moderation. Once or twice a week, special occasions- indulge! It's good for you to treat yourself.
      Second, you can exercise. Walk your cat, do Tai Chi- or even swim! Simple things can make lots of differences and keep you from gaining weight. -Abby

  12. Dear Abby,

    My teacher wants me to write a blog post about advice, but I'm not very good at giving advice. Could you give me advice about HOW to give advice? Should I even give advice to my friends?- Katey

    1. Dear Katey:

      Don't worry about giving advice. You absolutely should give advice to your friends. If your advice is wrong, you can simply deny that you ever said "THAT". As you how to give advice, use a very confident voice as though you actually know what you are talking about. At least 30% of the time you will actually help someone and the rest of the time - denial (as in above).


  13. Dear Abby:

    I have been in the United States for 4 weeks. I am so homesick I can't go to class. What should do?

    Lonesome Lou

    1. Dear Lonesome Lou,

      Go back home. If you're that homesick, then you should just give up on your dream. It's best to 'feel better' than to pursue your dreams, right?

    2. Dear Lou,

      You should come to class. Everyone else is lonesome too. Misery loves company.


  14. Dear Abby,

    My husband decided he's not going to run until he 'feels like it'. I already paid for a half marathon, a 10K, and a turkey run. The fees are non-refundable. What can I do?

    1. Dear Mrs. K,
      You can't make your husband run if he doesn't feel like it. Also, your husband can't make you stop telling all the boring things that happened to you and your friends during the day. Tell him that as soon as he feels like running, you will feel like letting him getting back to watching TV. I guarantee you will not have wasted your money on these runs.

  15. Dear Holly,
    Should I rewrite my post that I just posted? I would really like to fully participate in this exercise but it keeps deleting my posts. What should I do?

    1. Dear Chumbolex,

      You might talk to your teacher after class. Probably, she is doing something to your posts. I don't think Blogger deletes posts automatically. of course if you are working on a PC, it is probably the PCs fault. Buy an Apple Mac and all your problems will be solved.

  16. Dear Abby:

    I want a man, but I am old, and when I go to bars by myself, the young men don't hit on me. What do you advise?

    1. Dear Blog,

      You may need to go to different places. May I suggest you try going to museums or take up some hobby where you will meet someone who has the same interest as you.

    2. Dear Abby,
      Have you tried hitting on them? You must muster up the courage to hit on younger men. They are really shy about older women because we are soooooooooooooo sexy at this age. Try Tequila shots before you make your first hit!

  17. Dear Silvia,

    I suggest you should not interfer and let things take their course

  18. Dear Abby,

    Where should I go to buy a good used car? How can I be sure the salesperson is honest?

    1. Sandra,
      I think you should ask your husband or your sons to help you. That's what I would do because I have no idea.

  19. This comment has been removed by the author.

  20. Dear Abby,
    My dog is driving me insane. He thinks he is my baby and follows me everywhere around the house. I can't even take a shower without him barking at the water. What is one to do?

  21. Hi,
    I'm trying to put shingles on the steep roof of my new storage shed. How can I stay safe on the roof while working?

  22. Dear Sandra,

    Please don't rob a bank! Then you can't host any more parties at your house, and the jail is far away. How about working on a cruise ship? They probably need English teachers for the crew!

  23. Dear Abby,

    I love my husband's family very much, and I don't want put distance between us. My problem is that my sister-in-law wants me to baby sit for her children all the time. It's not once in while. It's all the time. What should I do?

  24. Dear Abby,
    I share an office with some very talkative people and I can never get any work done. I leave work knowing the best place to get a manicure, but none of my grading is done. What should I do?

  25. Dear Abby,
    I had to drop my babies this morning at daycare. I miss them so much! Besides, daycare is so expensive and I do not earn enough money. I am in the wrong business! Should I quit work and stay home? Or should I keep on working and hope to win the lottery?
    What should I do?
    Poor Mom

  26. This comment has been removed by the author.

  27. Dear Holly,
    My 15 year old son wants to ride his skateboard to school even though nobody else does. He doesn't have a locker at school and would have to carry it around with him all day. I am afraid it would be a distraction, but at the same time I want him to be free to be himself. What should I do?

  28. Dear Saima,
    A couple of suggestions: 1)cooking classes (online, TV, or in your neighborhood at a community college. 2) use a cookbook and start with very simple recipes.

  29. Dear Dang,
    To stay safe, you should rent scaffolding. That way you won't have to worry about a ladder falling. Also, never work alone. Best wishes!
