Friday, September 7, 2012

Blog Writing #4: Reported Speech

For this assignment, you are going to interview one of your colleagues.

Part I.
Find out the following:
1. Where was your colleague born?
2.  If not a Houston native, when did they immigrate here?
3.  What is their favorite book?
4.  What is their favorite flavor of ice-cream?

Part II.
As a comment to this post, write a report of what you learned from your partner. Make sure you use the correct verbs of reported speech.

The following was the extended assignment I gave in my class last semester:
For this assignment, you are going to interview one of your classmates--someone who is not from your country.

Part I. 
First, write a list of 15 interesting questions. The questions should be about the interviewees past, present, and future. You can also ask about their favorite books, movies, hobbies, etc...

Here are some sample questions which I found online, but you can formulate your own.
-Would you rather...
 be ugly and loved or beautiful and lonely?
-rather find true love or be filthy rich?
-invent an item that everybody uses or a song that everybody hums?
-have a relationship with someone 10 years younger or 10 yrs older?
-be deaf or blind?
-be sentenced to death or 50 yrs in jail?
-sing in the rain or dance in the streets
Here are some more:
* Which three (3) famous people do you admire most?
* Which three (3) famous people do you NOT respect?
* Which three (3) famous people do you think are most like you?
* Which three (3) famous people would you most want to be like?
* Which three (3) famous people do you most NOT want to be like?
* What personal values and principles are the most important to you?
* What friendship values and principles are the most important to you?
* What marriage values and principles are the most important to you?
* What community values and principles are the most important to you?
* What world values and principles are the most important to you?
* Using single words or phrases, how would you describe yourself?
* Where do you see yourself in five (5) years to 10 years?
* What are your favorite websites?
* What are your favorite television shows?
* What are your favorite movies?
* What kinds of music do you like?
* Who are your favorite bands?
* Who are your favorite singers?
* What kind of magazines do you read?
* What type of books do you read?
* What is your favorite food?
* What is your favorite dessert?
* What is your favorite snack?

(Article Source:

Part II.
Conduct your interview and take notes on what your partner says.

Part III.
As a comment to this post, write a report of what you learned from your partner. Make sure you use the correct verbs of reported speech.


  1. My partner told me that she was born in La Mesa, Texas and that she came to Houston in 1970. She told me that she liked any medieval mystery book and that her favorite flavor of icecream is chocolate.

  2. Katey said that she was born in Dallas and immigrated to Houston in 2008. She said that she loves fantasy novels and that her favorite flavor of ice cream is chocolate.

  3. Vincent said that he was born in Vietnam and that he came to the U.S. in 1975. He stated that his favorite flavor of ice cream is coffee, and he added that his favorite book is The Jungle.

  4. Kitty told me that she was born in Orange, Texas.
    She said that her family moved to the Houston area when she was 12 years old. She says that her favorite book is the book that she currently reads and her favorite ice cream flavor is chocolate chip.

  5. I have discovered many interesting facts about Mr. Stewart. He claims to be 'born in Houston'... but I don't know if I trust his accent. He sounds more like he is from somewhere not in the south. He says his favorite book is 'Life of Pi' but the answer seems to have tripped too quickly from his lips. He also claims to prefer vanilla ice cream. I believe Cory to have more varied tastes and shall continue to observe him....

  6. Misia was born in Nowy Targ in Poland and came to Houston in 2009.Her favorite in "Ann of Green Gables." Misia's favorite flavor of ice cream in chocolate Hazel Nut.

  7. Jeanne told me that she was born in Maine. She said that one of her favorite books is "Birth of Venus". She told me that chocolate chip is her favorite flavor of ice cream. In addition, I found out that her favorite food is kale salad.

  8. Sara was born in San Francisco, CA.
    She came to Houston in 2008.
    Her favorite book is The Little Prince.
    Her favorite ice cream flavor is blue sky, and it is blue.

  9. Saima said that she was born in Pakistan. She added that she came to Houston last year. I believe that her favorite book is...

  10. Emaida said that she was born in Puerto Rico and came to Houston in July 2010. She said that her favorite book is How to Successfully Run While Injured and her favorite flavor of ice cream is Ice Cream for Haters.

  11. Susan reported that she was born in Boston. She explained that she immigrated to Houston twice. The first time was in 1980. After moving away for several years, she returned to Houston in 2008. Susan said her favorite book is The Going to Bed book. When asked her favorite ice cream flavor, Susan replied, "chocolate, of course."

  12. Sandra said she was born in Sweetwater, Tx, not Sweetwater, Uganda.

  13. She said that she was born in Washington and came to Houston in 1999.

  14. Judy said she was born in Houston. She reported that her favorite book is titled One Hundred Years of Solitude, which was her first introduction to magical realism. If she ever indulges, she said she chooses Ben and Jerry's Chunkey Monkey.

  15. Velva said that she was born in Lawton, Oklahoma (wherever that is) and that she moved to Houston in 2005. She informed me that her favorite book is Grammar in Context 2, and that she enjoys Rocky Road ice cream while reading it.

  16. My friend Alida said that she comes from Venezuela and she arrived in 2006. She asserted that her favorite book is "Thornbirds" and her favorite ice cream flavor is butter pecan.

  17. My colleague is Christy.

    Part I.
    Find out the following:
    1. Where was your colleague born?
    2. If not a Houston native, when did they immigrate here?
    June 2008
    3. What is their favorite book?
    Grammar in Context
    4. What is their favorite flavor of ice-cream?
    Cardamom Honey - homemade

    Part II.
    As a comment to this post, write a report of what you learned from your partner. Make sure you use the correct verbs of reported speech.

    Christy good friend. Christy good teacher. Christy young and pretty. Christy from Indiana. Christy misses Stephanie. Stephani is good teacher. Staphanie lives in North Carolina. Democratic National activity in North Carolina.

    I like to eat capsa and go shopping to Galleria.
