Friday, September 7, 2012

Blog Writing #3: Noun clauses

Here is a chance for you to ask me a personal question, but you have to use a noun clause.

You can start it like this:
Holly, I'd like to know what your middle name is.

Holly, could you tell me what your middle name is?

Or... if you have another way to ask the question using a noun clause, TERRIFIC.

I'm not sure WHICH QUESTIONS I'LL ANSWER yet. Let's see what you come up with!

Ask me two questions.


  1. I'd like to know where you got your sense of humor. You are very funny!

  2. Dear Holly,

    I wonder whether you've ever tried bungee jumping.

    Bedouin Sue

  3. Holly, I'm wondering how many times you wanted to kill one of your family members during your recent vacation.

  4. Holly,
    I'd like to know what that stuff is that you eat in that cup every morning.

    Could you tell me what your favorite movie starring Eddie Murphey is?

  5. Holly, I'd like to know what your favorite thing about Passover?

    Holly, could you tell me how much wood could a wood-chuck chuck-if a wood-chuck could chuck wood?

  6. Holly,
    I have always wanted to know when you started teaching English.
    Could you also tell me where you went to college?

  7. Dear Holly,

    You have so much energy. Can you tell me what you
    eat for breakfast?

    Sleepy in class.

  8. Holly, how do you feel about teachers who don't follow directions?

  9. Holly, I'd like to know where you buy all your cool hats.
    I'd also like to know how you have so much energy.

  10. Holly,

    Could you please tell me what Latkes are?

  11. Holly, I'd like to know what your favorite restaurant in Houston is.

  12. Hi Holly,

    I admire your tan. Unfortunately, I burn. Can you tell me what you do that allows your skin to bronze so beautifully?

  13. Dear Holly:

    I'd like to ask you how you manage to be a teacher, a wife and a mother of three children and not go crazy with stress?
