Friday, September 7, 2012

Thank you for participating today

I hope this blog workshop was interesting and useful for you, and I encourage you to try using one in your class. Please let me know if I can be of assistance to you or if you want to share the ways in which you've used a blog with me.

Blog Writing #5: Quoted Speech

Watch the following video. With a partner, write as much of the dialogue as possible. I want you to write quoted speech. There are many ways to do this. Please vary your style to make it interesting.

For instance,
"I heard you the first time," Ricky said to Lucy, "but what language is it?"

Blog Writing #4: Reported Speech

For this assignment, you are going to interview one of your colleagues.

Part I.
Find out the following:
1. Where was your colleague born?
2.  If not a Houston native, when did they immigrate here?
3.  What is their favorite book?
4.  What is their favorite flavor of ice-cream?

Part II.
As a comment to this post, write a report of what you learned from your partner. Make sure you use the correct verbs of reported speech.

The following was the extended assignment I gave in my class last semester:
For this assignment, you are going to interview one of your classmates--someone who is not from your country.

Part I. 
First, write a list of 15 interesting questions. The questions should be about the interviewees past, present, and future. You can also ask about their favorite books, movies, hobbies, etc...

Here are some sample questions which I found online, but you can formulate your own.
-Would you rather...
 be ugly and loved or beautiful and lonely?
-rather find true love or be filthy rich?
-invent an item that everybody uses or a song that everybody hums?
-have a relationship with someone 10 years younger or 10 yrs older?
-be deaf or blind?
-be sentenced to death or 50 yrs in jail?
-sing in the rain or dance in the streets
Here are some more:
* Which three (3) famous people do you admire most?
* Which three (3) famous people do you NOT respect?
* Which three (3) famous people do you think are most like you?
* Which three (3) famous people would you most want to be like?
* Which three (3) famous people do you most NOT want to be like?
* What personal values and principles are the most important to you?
* What friendship values and principles are the most important to you?
* What marriage values and principles are the most important to you?
* What community values and principles are the most important to you?
* What world values and principles are the most important to you?
* Using single words or phrases, how would you describe yourself?
* Where do you see yourself in five (5) years to 10 years?
* What are your favorite websites?
* What are your favorite television shows?
* What are your favorite movies?
* What kinds of music do you like?
* Who are your favorite bands?
* Who are your favorite singers?
* What kind of magazines do you read?
* What type of books do you read?
* What is your favorite food?
* What is your favorite dessert?
* What is your favorite snack?

(Article Source:

Part II.
Conduct your interview and take notes on what your partner says.

Part III.
As a comment to this post, write a report of what you learned from your partner. Make sure you use the correct verbs of reported speech.

Blog Writing #3: Noun clauses

Here is a chance for you to ask me a personal question, but you have to use a noun clause.

You can start it like this:
Holly, I'd like to know what your middle name is.

Holly, could you tell me what your middle name is?

Or... if you have another way to ask the question using a noun clause, TERRIFIC.

I'm not sure WHICH QUESTIONS I'LL ANSWER yet. Let's see what you come up with!

Ask me two questions.

Blog Writing #2: Responding to Advice

For this post, I want you to go to blog writing #1 and reply to the person who asked for advice before you posted your problem.

Blog Writing #1: Modals of Advice

Write a letter to an advice columnist in a newspaper. Make up a personal problem for the columnist to solve. Use a variety of modals and describe the problem as fully as possible.

Do not write the response to the letter, just the letter explaining the problem and asking for advice.

Here is an example:

Dear Abby,
I've suspected that my husband has been fooling around, and when confronted with the evidence, he denied everything - and said it would never happen again. I've been married for 10 years and I don't want to get a divorce. What should I do? - Tess

Here are some more real letters for you to look at:

Thursday, September 6, 2012

Welcome to the Blog

My esteemed colleagues and friends,

Today I'd like to show you some fun and useful ways that you can use a class blog during a Call Lab session. You will be required to read, write, practice grammar, and listen in this "hands-on" session. If you do not complete all of the assignments during our time together, you can finish them at home for homework :D

Sit back and enjoy the ride!

Below is a typical welcome letter that I write to the students:

Dear Students:

The purpose of this blog is threefold. First, it will be a place for you to do a lot of your writing and grammar assignments. I will also place weekly schedules and updates on it.

The second purpose for this blog is for us to share useful information (where to go, where to shop, what to do if you have a problem, etc.). You can also use the blog to post items of interest, such as articles, pictures, invitations, etc.

Finally, I will use the blog to post internet links for different activities such as on-line grammar practice/quizzes and other activities that I think will benefit you.

You should check this blog every few days in order to keep current with the class.

About due dates:  If something is due on Wednesday, then you have all of Wednesday to complete it. That means its late on Thursday. Try your best to complete assignments on time; however, if you miss the deadline, you still need to do it.

I look forward to a great semester with all of you, and I look forward to "seeing" you on-line,

p.s. To write something on the blog, click on "comments" and write your post.